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We started as a missions movement in the 1880's
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Mint People
Foster and Ebby are currently learning Russian, which is the trade language and also heart language of many Mint people here. They are also teaching English to a dozen of non-believing Mint kids and planning to run an English Summer Camp in 2025.
To follow God’s calling to make disciples of the Mint people that they will start indigenous church planting movement within their own people group and even unto the world.
Foster and Ebby came to faith in the 1970s. Soon after, they served with grateful hearts and felt called to live on mission; however, they went through a dark period when both of them didn’t go to church. By God’s grace, they immigrated to Canada and joined the Alliance family, serving in evangelism, care group leading, missions, and so on. The churches they attended were focused on missions. In 2005, they attended a Joint Mission Convention in Ontario. They were touched by the messages and felt it was an honour to serve Him, yet they did not feel adequate nor qualified. A speaker challenged them by asking, “Can Jesus still feed 5000 with a few loaves of bread or fish or even nothing at all?” They humbly responded to the call and trusted that God could use them if He wished. In 2012, they started to serve in a creative access context in Central Asia.
Pray that the Mint people will have a spiritual appetite to know Jesus. Pray for Divine appointment to meet seekers and/or disciple Mint believers to grow strong in Him. Pray for more workers are sent to serve the Mint people here.