Apprentice – ESL Centre, Team Soli
The Global Ministries Apprenticeship Program (GMAP) is a pathway for equipping the next generation of International Workers using on-the-job training, mentoring, and accompanying learning & reflection activities. We screen and place people into the 2-year program who: 1) We are confident have the heart and potential capacity for international ministry as a career, 2) Who need further equipping, experience, and development where an international & cross-cultural context is deemed to be the most useful context. 3) Are curious, teachable and discerning the direction God might take them.
Quick Info
Location: Soli
Term: 2 Year Program
Start Date: Jan 2025
Team Vision
We will wholistically proclaim Jesus among the Soli people so that context-fitted fellowships form, mature and multiply.
Team SOLI has facilitated the start-up of an English language center, through which we secure long term visas to live in country. The language school was started out of a faith-based foundation where foreign workers teach and engage in community focused activities.
We are committed to partnerships with international workers and like-minded local workers from the national Alliance fellowship here. We connect locally with believers from multiple organizations for regular worship, fellowship and ministry networking, with a mandate to work in community development and community care.
Volunteer work at the English school, including club style English teaching (English day camps, movie nights, skills classes i.e. cooking, hiking club, etc.), and English classes. Language and cultural learning, engagement in team responsibilities, and ongoing development as directed by a mentor for learning, ministry engagements and discernment of career.
Required Qualifications
Bachelor’s Degree, 3 Core Courses (Discipleship Making Christian Theology & Practice Spiritual Formation Theology of Missions/Missiology Cultural Competencies Leadership & Teaming)
Preferred Qualifications
English teaching certification
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