International Worker Inquiry
The Alliance seeks to identify, develop, and deploy international workers who multiply followers of Christ into movements of faith communities. We are committed to being God’s agents of transformation among 40% of the world’s population that have yet to encounter Jesus. Strategic opportunities for international engagements include church development, marketplace and business for transformation, as well as relief and development. Our commitment to building a robust eco-system of candidate development and member care undergirds our passion for developing and empowering next generation world changers for Christ.
Those we hire resonate deeply with this prayer and our mission. It is also important that they are trained and developed in the following ways:
Minimum requirements
- Bachelor’s degree with core courses or equivalencies in:
- Biblical theology
- Personal spiritual formation/Christian spirituality
- Theology of mission
- Disciple-making practices
- Cultural Intelligence
- Leadership and team formation
Healthy and developing in:
- Relationship with Jesus and growing through the Holy Spirit
- Prayer & spiritual disciplines
- Cross cultural engagement and competency
- Being discipled and discipling others
- Curious, teachable and humble
- Leadership and teaming capacity
- Love for people and desire to see all people know Christ
- Active member in your church
Vision Prayer of The Alliance Canada
O God, we long for You. Come, transform us to be
Christ-centered, Spirit-empowered, Mission-focused people
multiplying disciples everywhere.
Please read our Statement of Faith