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21 Days of Prayer | Day 8: Urak Lawoi

21 Days of Prayer | Day 8: Urak Lawoi

Urak Lawoi (pronounced: oo-rak lah-woi) means “Sea People,” Their way of life is genuinely linked to the ocean. Since migrating to Thailand from Ma...
21 Days of Prayer | Day 7: Southern Thai

21 Days of Prayer | Day 7: Southern Thai

Although the main religion of Thailand is Buddhism, Islam is the predominant religion in Southern Thailand. Most Southern Thai practice a folk Isla...
The Jaffray Offering Devotional | Week 4

The Jaffray Offering Devotional | Week 4

This verse in Acts is from Paul, at the end of a lengthy farewell speech to the Elders of the church at Ephesus. He’s going away, but the people he...
The Jaffray Offering Devotional | Week 3

The Jaffray Offering Devotional | Week 3

What gets the way of whole-heartedly serving God? Are you blinded by worldly possession? Does fear cripple your ability to step out in faith?
The Jaffray Offering Devotional | Week 2

The Jaffray Offering Devotional | Week 2

Last time we talked about the Great Commission and the Great Commandment, now time we’ve come to a crossroads – the point at which these two inters...
The Jaffray Offering Devotional | Week 1

The Jaffray Offering Devotional | Week 1

What are areas in your life that have opened your eyes to God’s love?
Litany for the Third Millennium

Litany for the Third Millennium

We reach  beyond our reach  to the reaching unreachable  who alone reaches us